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Pearl Harbor (2001)

Rafe McCawley awalnya bersahabat dengan Danny Walker, serta memiliki kekasih seorang suster di akademi militer, yaitu Evelyn Johnson. Namun, Rafe yang terpilih untuk membantu pihak Inggris melawan pihak Jerman harus meninggalkannya. Karena mendengar berita bahwa pesawat Rafe tertembak jatuh dan sudah dianggap tewas, Evelyn sedih, dan Danny berusaha menenangkannya. Akhirnya keduanya menjadi saling cinta dan berhubungan, sehingga Evelyn hamil. Rafe yang kenyataanya selamat, kembali dan mengejutkan Evelyn dan Danny yang sudah menjalin asmara. Rafe pun marah kepada Danny dan bertengkar di sebuah kafe, akhirnya, setelah bertengkar, mereka kabur dari polisi dan tertidur di mobil milik Rafe. Paginya, pasukan Jepang menggempur Pearl Harbor, dan keduanya terperangkap dalam peperangan. Dengan menggunakan pesawat P-40 yang tersisa, keduanya melawan pesawat-pesawat pasukan Jepang dan berhasil menembak jatuh 7 buah pesawat. Setahun setelah peristiwa tersebut, keduanya dan para prajurit yang beraksi di Pearl Harbor terpilih untuk melakukan penggempuran Doolitle, Rafe diberitahu Evelyn bahwa dirinya sedang hamil, dan meminta tolong agar Danny dapat kembali selamat bersamanya (Rafe). Pada saat penggempuran, pasukan Amerika terdesak oleh serangan "FlaK" milik Jepang, dan akhirnya tinggal 2 pesawat yang tersisa ketika melewati Jepang (pesawat Rafe dan pesawat Danny). Pesawat Rafe mendarat di sawah di Cina terlebih dahulu, Rafe dan anggota pasukan yang tersisa dikepung oleh patroli Jepang, lalu pesawat Danny yang datang menembaki patroli Jepang tersebut, namun mendarat lebih parah. Danny terluka saat Rafe menemuinya, saat hendak melakukan perawatan terhadap Danny, tiba-tiba saja Rafe diserang oleh patroli Jepang yang lain.Gerak cepat Pasukan Jepang telah menghancurkan kapal-kapal yang berada dipelabuhan tersebut. Pasukan yang tersisa di todongkan senjata, namun Rafe berhasil mengambil pistol yang terjatuh dan menembaki para prajurit Jepang. Ketika pelurunya habis, Rafe akan ditembak oleh Jepang, namun Danny mencegahnya, sehingga Dannylah yang ditembak. Saat Jepang sedang lengah, Red kemudian mengambil granat pasukan Jepang, kemudian dilemparnya ke arah pasukan Jepang, sehingga pasukan Jepang tewas semua.

Danny lalu diberitahu oleh Rafe bahwa Evelyn hamil, dan Danny yang akan menjadi ayahnya, namun Danny yang kehabisan darah meminta agar Rafe yang menjadi ayah dari janin yang dikandung Evelyn, dan akhirnya tewas. Sesampainya di Amerika, Evelyn dan Rafe menikah, lalu bayi yang lahir dari Evelyn di beri nama Danny, untuk mengenang ayah aslinya.


Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

Lady Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) dalam menemukan artefak-artefak arkeologi yang langka dan bernilai tinggi di berbagai pelosok dunia. Lantaran petualangan itu, Lara sering disebut "tomb raider" (pembongkar makam) padahal sebenarnya ia melakukannya bukan karena ingin mendapatkan materi melainkan kesukaan pada petualangan dan bahaya.

Di sisi lain, seorang pria haus kekuasaan, Powell (Iain Glen) dan tangan kanannya, Mr. Pimms (Julian Rhind-Tutt) ditugaskan oleh kelompok misterius yang disebut Illuminati untuk mencari sebuah kunci misterius. Kunci kuno itu akan membuka sebuah misteri kuno yang konon akan memberi kuasa bagi pemilik kunci untuk mengendalikan waktu, yang jelas tidak berakibat baik pada umat manusia. Kunci tersebut harus ditemukan sebelum terjadinya sebuah peristiwa astronomi yaitu pergeseran planet yang hanya terjadi setiap 5000 tahun.


The Patriot (2000)

Film yang bercerita dari kemerderkaan Amerika (1779) dari penjajahan yang dilakukan oleh Inggris Raya. Pada film ini kita akan dipertemukan dengan Benyamin Martin(Mel Gibson) seorang petani yang kembali ke medan perang (mantan pasukan bersenjata) setelah seorang tentara inggris membunuh anak keduanya. Ikut berjuang sebagai Pemimpin pasukan Milisi, Benyamin ditemani anak pertamanya, Gabriel Edward Martin (Heath Ledger) pada kesatuan yang sama.

That Thing You Do! (1996)

Bercerita mengenai sebuah band dengan satu hit single yang sangat renyah dan kriuk atau kata mr.White-Tom Hanks “snappy”. Itu semua dimulai saat mereka mencoba tampil dalam sebuah acara pertunjukan bakat di kampus setempat. Guy Patterson-Tom Everett Scott sang drummer yang entah karena grogi atau karena adrenalin yang meningkat saat didepan penonton membuat lagu yang seharusnya merupakan jenis ballad menjadi up tempo/rock and roll, menjadikan lagu tersebut enak didengar dan menjadi hits. Hampir sama dengan kasus serupa dengan group band The Beatles dimana lagu hits yang meMbuat mereka terkenal sebetulnya adalah lagu Ballad namun karena suatu kesalahan menjadi sebuah lagu up-tempo yang malah justru disukai dan membuat mereka terkenal.

Dari kemenangan di pertunjukkan bakat lokal tersebutlah, aksi The Wonders berawal. Mulai dari disewa oleh sebuah manager restoran lokal setempat hingga membuat album rekaman dan masuk TV.


A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)

A Million Ways to Die in the West berlangsung di Arizona pada tahun 1882 bercerita tentang seorang penggembala yang pengecut bernama Albert (MacFarlane) ditinggalkan oleh pacarnya (Amanda Seyfried) karena adanya pria lain, setelah berhasil keluar dari perkelahian tembak-menembak (terkena tembakan di punggungnya), akhirnya dia bisa keluar dengan bantuan dari Gunslinger lady (Charlize Theron) wanita misterius yang datang ke kota, dia juga membantunya menemukan keberanian dan mereka mulai jatuh cinta.

Tapi ketika suaminya yaitu seorang penjahat/jago terkenal mengumumkan kedatangannya, petani tersebut harus menempatkan keberanian barunya dan saat itulah dia akan diuji.


Succubus: Hell-Bent (2007)

Sometimes what happens at Spring Break doesn't stay at Spring Break... it follows you home.


Midnight Kiss (1993)

A modern vampire is killing people and sucking blood in the city. The police can't stop him, because of his wits and strength. One night, fighting with a police woman, the vampire bites her, but instead of becoming a new mistress for him, this woman becomes a super vampi-cop.

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The Hairdresser's Husband (1990)

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Synopsis :
Twelve-year-old Antoine falls profoundly in love with a voluptuous but suicidal hairdresser, a formative experience he never forgets. Much later in life, he seeks to repeat his romance by marrying Mathilde - also voluptuous and also a hairdresser - with whom he forms an intimate and consuming relationship in an attempt to blot out the miseries of this world from their lives.
Antoine, a little boy, falls in love with the local hairdresser, so he gets a hair cut every time he can. This situation causes some problems with his parents. However, when he grows up, he is still obsessed with the hair cutting, and one fine day he gets into a barber shop, meets the hairdresser (Mathilde), they fall in love at first sight, and begin a strange relation.

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Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.

Director: F. Gary Gray
Writer: Kurt Wimmer
Stars: Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx and Leslie Bibb




The Mechanic (2011)

Director: Simon West
Writers: Richard Wenk (screenplay), Lewis John Carlino (screenplay), and 1 more credit »
Stars: Jason Statham, Ben Foster and Donald Sutherland

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Subtitle :

Colombus Day (2008)

Director: Charles Burmeister
Writer: Charles Burmeister
Stars: Val Kilmer, Bobb'e J. Thompson and Richard Edson

John Cologne (Val Kilmer) has just pulled off the biggest heist of his life and is racing to get rid of the merchandise before he leaves for Florida to retire. The plans get mixed up when he meets a young boy in a downtown park who helps him to realize the important things he needs to change in his life. Before he can do that, he must unload the mysterious briefcase to the same gangster he stole it from without getting killed. The quick-witted John comes up with a plan and enlists the help of his friend Max (Wilmer Valderrama) to safely unload the merchandise. He's in a race against the clock to stay alive and make all the money he'd ever need for the rest of his life all in one afternoon. If he succeeds he can finally rekindle his relationship with his ex-wife (Marg Helgenberger) and become the father he's always wanted to be.

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Bitch Slap


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The Spy Next Door

The movie starts off with a montage of fights and stunts from Chan's older movies including The Tuxedo and Operation Condor and then cuts to Bob Ho (Chan) waking up. The next shot features his next-door neighbors waking up, with Gillian (Amber Valletta) and her three children, Nora (youngest one and very girlish; played by Alina Foley), Ian ('geeky' and intelligent, played by Will Shadley) and Farren (stereotypical teenager and the oldest, played by Madeline Carroll) all experiencing a normal morning. The family has three pets which consists of a pig, turtle and a cat.

Gillian strolls outside with her children to take the two older kids to school and Bob Ho, who supposedly works as a pen importer, spots her and helps her push down the trash can to the sidewalk. The two are shown to be romantic and the three kids are shown to be against it, due to them thinking he is nerdy and uninteresting. Later at night, Bob and Gillian are on a date celebrating their three month anniversary and although Bob tries to tell her that he's a CIA agent, his cellphone receives a message and he has to leave right away.

Bob and Colton James (Billy Ray Cyrus) sneak into an American oil refinery and Bob catches the villains, who were trying to put a liquid into the oil supply. After returning to his work station, he informs he is retiring from being a CIA agent to finally settle down and live with his soon to be family. Bob begins removing his spy gear, but Glaze (George Lopez) tells him to keep his watch. Later, through the phone, Colton informs Bob that he sent files found in the Russian base to his computer.

The following day, Gillian and the children visit Bob and informs him that her father was injured and needs his hip replaced so she'll be out of town and needs Bob to take care of the children for a few days. Though the children try anything to get out of the situation, Bob believes it'll be a great time to get the kids to like him. While Bob packs his items to go to Gillian's home, the children snoop around the house. Ian runs to Bob's Macintosh and finds a file he believes to be a pirated concert; using his iPod, he downloads it but it turns out to be the files that Colton had sent earlier, a formula to turn oil into dust.

Meanwhile, Poldark (Magnus Scheving), the villain caught by Bob, escapes jail and returns to his minions. Poldark discovers his files have been taken and he tracks down the location to Bob's residence. Poldark and his minions set out to recover the files downloaded into Ian's iPod and to kill them all. While at a restaurant, Bob and the children are attacked by Larry (Lucas Till), a Russian spy, who attacks them with a knife, after having lied about going to university and being a poet. Bob fights him off and explains to the children about his true self and that he's a former CIA agent.

Leaving the restaurant, Glaze appears and demands for the files with a gun. Bob knocks him out and runs away with the children in the car. In it, Bob discovers that the villains must have traced him with the watch Glaze told him to keep earlier and he leaves it in a rock in a desert. They escape into a hotel where Farren calls Gillian and tries explaining about who Bob really is and all the danger they've been in. Bob tells her to come pick up the kids right away. The next morning, all four go back home and Gillian yells at Bob and exclaims that their relationship is over.

As he has unfinished business to take care of, Bob walks off being watched by Ian. Ian dresses up in a spy gear and runs out of the house on his bicycle preparing to assist Bob. Farren watches him go. Bob retrieves the watch and allows the villains to trace him to where he is, in an empty factory-like area. Ian shows up and due to him, the villains catch Bob and tie him up in a chair with Ian. The villains then remove the cameras placed around the place and Farren shows up tied up by Larry.

After being interrogated, Bob discovers that it was Ian who had downloaded the files into his iPod at home. Most of the Russians hop on their vehicles to get the iPod, while Bob, with his spy ring with a razor blade, unties the three. The kids run to safety while Bob fights Larry, Glaze and Poldark with Ian's bicycle. After defeat, the two kids and Bob run into the car, take off and drive back home as fast as possible. After arriving, they discover Halloween is taking place.

The three run home as the enemies run into the house from the windows and doors. Bob calls the CIA for help while he fights off all the villains, with help from the children. The CIA and Colton arrive right after everyone is defeated already and Ian gives his iPod with the files to Colton. After they all leave, Bob prepares to go home but after the children grow very upset, Gillian decides to stay with Bob. The two are later shown being married and Bob tells Gillian during the wedding that he has another secret to inform her; his real name is not Bob



Indonesia | English

Terminator Salvation (2009)

Sudah tahun 2018 dan perang antara umat manusia dan Skynet telah di mulai. John Connor telah menjadi pemimpin bagi Resistance dan dia harus bertanggung pada semua umat manusia yang selamat. Setelah melangsungkan perang nuklir, Skynet yang menganggap manusia sebagai ancaman menciptakan Terminator untuk terus menyerang sisa manusia yang selamat. John dengan teman-temannya harus membunuh semua robot buatan Skynet agar tetap selamat. Sedangkan, cyborg baru bernama Marcus Wright, manusia mantan narapidana hukuman mati dengan endoskeleton robot rancangan Cyberdine, membantu John dalam pertarungan antara pasukan Resistance dengan Skynet.



Van Wilder: Freshman Year (2009)

Van Wilder starts his freshman year at Coolidge College and embarks on an adventure to land the campus hottie and liberate his school from sexual oppression and party dysfunction.

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The Godfather (1972)

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family. Written by Charlie Ness

Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael's sister) to Carlo Rizzi. All of Michael's family is involved with the Mafia, but Michael just wants to live a normal life. Drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo is looking for Mafia Families to offer him protection in exchange for a profit of the drug money. He approaches Don Corleone about it, but, much against the advice of the Don's lawyer Tom Hagen, the Don is morally against the use of drugs, and turns down the offer. This does not please Sollozzo, who has the Don shot down by some of his hit men. The Don barely survives, which leads his son Michael to begin a violent mob war against Sollozzo and tears the Corleone family apart.


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